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Name: Jeremiah Mosioma Okeyo
Title/Qualification: Dr
Position: Lecturer
Department: Water and Agricultural Resource Management
School:   Agriculture
Contact Address: 06 (60100) Embu
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Short Biography

Jeremiah Mosioma Okeyo is a soil science lecturer at the Department of Water and Agricultural Resource Management, University of Embu, Kenya. His current research focuses on application of sustainable soil, water and nutrient management practices to smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa with the aim of meeting the dual goals of enhanced crop productivity for food security and resilience to climate change. In addition, he works on the frontiers of landscape restoration exploring novel sustainable land management approaches that mitigate land degradation across terrestrial ecosystems and contribute towards achievement of land degradation neutrality (LDN). In working towards sustainability, he uses advanced remote sensing and geospatial techniques to monitor land degradation indicators at different spatial scales.   
Previously, Dr Okeyo worked with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) as a scientific officer under the then Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) research program. He also worked in the coordination unit of the African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet). The main objectives for AfNet were to gather evidence from long-term agricultural experiments at benchmark sites to support integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) interventions; and synthesize and share knowledge on ISFM technologies.
He holds a PhD in soil science (University of Wyoming, USA), an Msc (Kenyatta University) and a Bsc (Moi University). He has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is a fellow of the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology, Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) Award.

Research Interests

Application of the integrated landscape approach to achieve sustainable land management of terrestrial ecosystems. Specific interventions of interest include soil, water and nutrient conservation techniques that are applicable under the highly diverse agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions within which the predominantly smallholder farmers operate. Additionally, we explore the application of geospatial techniques in modelling the smallholder landscapes for sustainability and contribution towards land degradation neutrality.  


S/No Title of the Grant Funding Agency Amount Start Date    (Month and Year) End Date         (Month and Year)
1 Pigeon Pea Technologies, Innovations, Management Practices for Enhancing  Productivity, Food and Nutrition Security of Smallholder Communities in Kenya (Dr. Jeremiah Okeyo  and Dr. Charles Onyari) KALRO-KCSAP KES. 2,724,475 Jun-20 Jun-23
2 Towards Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality for Enhanced Food Security and Resilience to Climate Change in Tharaka-Nithi County VC's Grant UoEm KES 300,000 Apr-20 Dec-21

Dr. Jeremiah Mosioma Okeyo Publications


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