Talk to us

Name: Dr. Josiah Njiru Gitari
Title/Qualification: PhD
Position: Lecturer
Department: Water and Agricultural Resource Management
School:   Agriculture
Area of Specialization:  Agronomy
Contact Address: Box 1094 60100, Embu
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Google Scholar Account -  Link

Short Biography

  • Previously a researcher at Kenya Agricultural Research Organization and now a lecturer since 2016.

Research Interests

  • Agronomy


S/No Title of the Grant Funding Agency Amount Start Date    (Month and Year) End Date         (Month and Year)
1 Scaling integrated soil fertility management technologies for improved food, nutrition security and livelihoods in Kenya KALRO-KCSAP KES 1,068,346 Mar-20 Mar-23
2 Value chain performance of hard endosperm sorghum and their crossbreeds with Gadam sorghum in sampled ASAL regions of Kenya VC's Grant UoEm KES 686,420 Aug-19 Dec-21

Dr. Josiah Njiru Gitari Publications


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