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Dr. Salome Atieno Migose Profile

Title/Qualification: PHD
Position: LECTURER
Contact Address: BOX 6 60100 EMBU
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Short Biography

Dr. Migose is an alumnus of Wageningen University of the Netherlands where she attained her PhD in Livestock Production Systems, since 2020. Dr Migose did her MSc. in Animal Science (Animal Breeding option) and BSc in Animal Sciences at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
In 2012, she was a beneficiary of the fellowship from the Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC) under a collaborative project between Egerton University and Wageningen University titled “Competent graduates for enhanced competitiveness in the dairy value chain” under the Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education (NICHE-KEN-127).
Her PhD study focused on understanding smallholder farming systems to improve dairy development in Kenya. Results of her work were presented at the 66th Annual meeting of European Federation of Animal Production (EAAP) in 2015, at Tropentag in 2015 and at the Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS) Science day in 2019. Two manuscripts related to the chapters of her PhD thesis are published and two manuscripts are submitted to peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Dr Migose has gained much experience in training, research and extension in livestock production over the last 15 years. Prior to joining the University of Embu where he has been for the past 8 years, Dr Migose was involved in livestock extension while working at Livestock Recording Centre (LRC) of the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, in projects such as east African agricultural productivity project (EAAPP), a collaborative project between the ministry and KARI (now KALRO) particularly in developing the productivity of dairy cattle through registration, recording and genetic evaluation. Dr Migose continues to network with Ministry of Agriculture, KALRO, ACTS, Performeter, and Sasini, among others. She is supervising one PhD and three Msc students in various projects among them identifying resilient livestock breeds and feed technologies for climate smart production systems for the Kenyan highlands and ASALs, under the KCSAP scholarship among others. She also provides mentorship to undergraduate students. She is involved in community outreach and extension activities with like-minded partners such as CARITAS. Besides, she is the chair of the livestock management sub-committee of the University farm, an Online and Distance Education and eLearning (ODeL) champion, and a member of the University Income generating projects (IGA) committee.
Research Interests
Livestock Production Systems, Animal breeding, animal feeds and feeding, livestock value chains, and matching breeding and feeding practices with production systems, climate change, sustainable food systems.

S/No Title of the Grant Funding Agency Amount Start Date    (Month and Year) End Date         (Month and Year)
1 Assessing the quality of dairy commercial feeds in Meru and Tharaka Nithi Counties E4Impact Foundation EUR 3,120 Oct-23 Oct-26

View CV | Dr. Salome Atieno Migose Publications


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